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Creating Schools

Schools - a point feature class


The District is the only source for this information.

Required Fields:

Important: If the school has an associated attendance area then the school code (SCHL_CODE) number must also be in at least one of the ELEM_, MID_, INT_, and HIGH_ fields in the study areas.

  1. NAME - A field containing the unique name of the school, defined as data type “Text” with a length of 50. Each school name should be unique. For example, if you have a Main Street Elementary and Main Street High, do not enter “Main Street” for both schools.

  2. SCHL_CODE - A field containing the school code of each school, must match codes used to populate the ELEM_, MID_, INT_, and HIGH_ fields defined as data type “Short Integer” or “Long Integer”. Must have unique values, unless SCHL_CODE = 0

  3. CAPACITY - A field containing the maximum capacity of the school, defined as data type “Short Integer” or “Long Integer”.

  4. STRT_GRD - A field containing the start grade served at the school, defined as data type “Short Integer” or “Long Integer”. Value cannot be < -1

  5. END_GRD - A field containing the end grade served at the school, defined as data type “Short Integer” or “Long Integer”. Value cannot be > 12

Additional Fields:

The following fields are required only for SchoolSite Locator, but are not required for redistricting plans or forecasts.

  1. GRD_RANGE - A field containing the grade range of the school, defined as data type “Text”.

  2. ADDRESS - The street address of the school, defined as type “Text” with a length of 100.

  3. CITY - The city of address of the school, defined as type “Text” with a length of 50.

  4. ZIP - The zip code of the school, defined as type “Short Integer” or “Long Integer”.

  5. PHONE - The phone number of the school, defined as type “Text” with a length of 12.

  6. WEBSITE - The web address of the school, defined as type “Text” with a length of 150 and must have prefix http://

  7. NOTES - Any additional notes, defined as type “Text” with a length of 150.

  8. SCHL_TYPE - School Type, defined as type “Text”
    • Suggested School Type Codes:
      • ES - Elementary School
      • MS - Middle School
      • IS - Intermediate School
      • JHS - Junior High School
      • HS - High School
      • K8 - K-8 School
      • 712 - 1-12 School
      • OTH - Other School
  9. SCHL_STATUS - School Status, defined as type “Text”
    • Suggested School Status Codes:
      • DIST - District Office
      • SPED - Special Education
      • MAGN - Magnet
      • ACDY - Academy
      • CONT - Continuation
      • ALTN - Alternate
      • RGLR - Regular
      • FUTR - Future
      • CLSD - Closer
      • OTHR - Other

Points to Remember: